Source code for

# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# ==============================================================================
# Modifications copyright (C) 2019 Texar
# ==============================================================================
"""A library of helpers for use with Texar RNN/Transformer decoders.

Adapted from the `tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq` package.

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

import abc

import six

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq.python.ops import decoder
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import embedding_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import tensor_array_ops
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfpd
from tensorflow.python.util import nest

from import shape_list
from import get_args

__all__ = [

_transpose_batch_time = decoder._transpose_batch_time  # pylint: disable=protected-access

def _unstack_ta(inp):
    return tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(
        dtype=inp.dtype, size=array_ops.shape(inp)[0],

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Helper(object): """Interface for implementing different decoding strategies in :class:`RNN decoders <>` and :class:`Transformer decoder <>`. Adapted from the `tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq` package. """ @abc.abstractproperty def batch_size(self): """Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. Returns a scalar int32 tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError("batch_size has not been implemented") @abc.abstractproperty def sample_ids_shape(self): """Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. Returns a `TensorShape`. """ raise NotImplementedError("sample_ids_shape has not been implemented") @abc.abstractproperty def sample_ids_dtype(self): """DType of tensor returned by `sample`. Returns a DType. """ raise NotImplementedError("sample_ids_dtype has not been implemented")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, name=None): """Returns `(initial_finished, initial_inputs)`.""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None): """Returns `sample_ids`.""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None): """Returns `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`.""" pass
[docs]class CustomHelper(Helper): """Base abstract class that allows the user to customize decoding.""" def __init__(self, initialize_fn, sample_fn, next_inputs_fn, sample_ids_shape=None, sample_ids_dtype=None): """Initializer. Args: initialize_fn: callable that returns `(finished, next_inputs)` for the first iteration. sample_fn: callable that takes `(time, outputs, state)` and emits tensor `sample_ids`. next_inputs_fn: callable that takes `(time, outputs, state, sample_ids)` and emits `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. sample_ids_shape: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D Tensor of type `int32`, the shape of each value in the `sample_ids` batch. Defaults to a scalar. sample_ids_dtype: The dtype of the `sample_ids` tensor. Defaults to int32. """ self._initialize_fn = initialize_fn self._sample_fn = sample_fn self._next_inputs_fn = next_inputs_fn self._batch_size = None self._sample_ids_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(sample_ids_shape or []) self._sample_ids_dtype = sample_ids_dtype or dtypes.int32 @property def batch_size(self): if self._batch_size is None: raise ValueError("batch_size accessed before initialize was called") return self._batch_size @property def sample_ids_shape(self): return self._sample_ids_shape @property def sample_ids_dtype(self): return self._sample_ids_dtype
[docs] def initialize(self, name=None): with ops.name_scope(name, "%sInitialize" % type(self).__name__): (finished, next_inputs) = self._initialize_fn() if self._batch_size is None: self._batch_size = array_ops.size(finished) return (finished, next_inputs)
[docs] def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None): with ops.name_scope( name, "%sSample" % type(self).__name__, (time, outputs, state)): return self._sample_fn(time=time, outputs=outputs, state=state)
[docs] def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None): with ops.name_scope( name, "%sNextInputs" % type(self).__name__, (time, outputs, state)): return self._next_inputs_fn( time=time, outputs=outputs, state=state, sample_ids=sample_ids)
[docs]class TrainingHelper(Helper): """A helper for use during training. Performs teacher-forcing decoding. Returned sample_ids are the argmax of the RNN output logits. Note that for teacher-forcing decoding, Texar's decoders provide a simpler interface by specifying `decoding_strategy='train_greedy'` when calling a decoder (see, e.g.,, :meth:`RNN decoder <>`). In this case, use of TrainingHelper is not necessary. """ def __init__(self, inputs, sequence_length, time_major=False, name=None): """Initializer. Args: inputs: A (structure of) input tensors. sequence_length: An int32 vector tensor. time_major: Python bool. Whether the tensors in `inputs` are time major. If `False` (default), they are assumed to be batch major. name: Name scope for any created operations. Raises: ValueError: if `sequence_length` is not a 1D tensor. """ with ops.name_scope(name, "TrainingHelper", [inputs, sequence_length]): inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, name="inputs") self._inputs = inputs if not time_major: inputs = nest.map_structure(_transpose_batch_time, inputs) self._input_tas = nest.map_structure(_unstack_ta, inputs) self._sequence_length = ops.convert_to_tensor( sequence_length, name="sequence_length") if self._sequence_length.get_shape().ndims != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected sequence_length to be a vector, but received shape: %s" % self._sequence_length.get_shape()) self._zero_inputs = nest.map_structure( lambda inp: array_ops.zeros_like(inp[0, :]), inputs) self._start_inputs = self._zero_inputs self._batch_size = shape_list(sequence_length)[0] @property def inputs(self): return self._inputs @property def sequence_length(self): return self._sequence_length @property def batch_size(self): return self._batch_size @property def sample_ids_shape(self): return tensor_shape.TensorShape([]) @property def sample_ids_dtype(self): return dtypes.int32
[docs] def initialize(self, name=None): with ops.name_scope(name, "TrainingHelperInitialize"): finished = math_ops.equal(0, self._sequence_length) all_finished = math_ops.reduce_all(finished) next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond( all_finished, lambda: self._zero_inputs, lambda: nest.map_structure(lambda inp:, self._input_tas)) return (finished, next_inputs)
[docs] def sample(self, time, outputs, name=None, **unused_kwargs): """Gets a sample for one step.""" with ops.name_scope(name, "TrainingHelperSample", [time, outputs]): sample_ids = math_ops.cast( math_ops.argmax(outputs, axis=-1), dtypes.int32) return sample_ids
[docs] def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, name=None, **unused_kwargs): """Gets the inputs for next step.""" with ops.name_scope(name, "TrainingHelperNextInputs", [time, outputs, state]): next_time = time + 1 finished = (next_time >= self._sequence_length) all_finished = math_ops.reduce_all(finished) def read_from_ta(inp): return next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond( all_finished, lambda: self._zero_inputs, lambda: nest.map_structure(read_from_ta, self._input_tas)) return (finished, next_inputs, state)
[docs]class ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper(TrainingHelper): """A training helper that adds scheduled sampling. Returns -1s for sample_ids where no sampling took place; valid sample id values elsewhere. """ def __init__(self, inputs, sequence_length, embedding, sampling_probability, time_major=False, seed=None, scheduling_seed=None, name=None): """Initializer. Args: inputs: A (structure of) input tensors. sequence_length: An int32 vector tensor. embedding: A callable or the `params` argument for `embedding_lookup`. If a callable, it can take a vector tensor of token `ids`, or take two arguments (`ids`, `times`), where `ids` is a vector tensor of token ids, and `times` is a vector tensor of current time steps (i.e., position ids). The latter case can be used when attr:`embedding` is a combination of word embedding and position embedding. sampling_probability: A 0D `float32` tensor: the probability of sampling categorically from the output ids instead of reading directly from the inputs. time_major: Python bool. Whether the tensors in `inputs` are time major. If `False` (default), they are assumed to be batch major. seed: The sampling seed. scheduling_seed: The schedule decision rule sampling seed. name: Name scope for any created operations. Raises: ValueError: if `sampling_probability` is not a scalar or vector. """ with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledEmbeddingSamplingWrapper", [embedding, sampling_probability]): if callable(embedding): self._embedding_fn = embedding else: self._embedding_fn = ( lambda ids: embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(embedding, ids)) self._embedding_args_cnt = len(get_args(self._embedding_fn)) if self._embedding_args_cnt != 1 and self._embedding_args_cnt != 2: raise ValueError('`embedding` should expect 1 or 2 arguments.') self._sampling_probability = ops.convert_to_tensor( sampling_probability, name="sampling_probability") if self._sampling_probability.get_shape().ndims not in (0, 1): raise ValueError( "sampling_probability must be either a scalar or a vector. " "saw shape: %s" % (self._sampling_probability.get_shape())) self._seed = seed self._scheduling_seed = scheduling_seed super(ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper, self).__init__( inputs=inputs, sequence_length=sequence_length, time_major=time_major, name=name)
[docs] def initialize(self, name=None): return super(ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper, self).initialize( name=name)
[docs] def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None): """Gets a sample for one step.""" with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelperSample", [time, outputs, state]): # Return -1s where we did not sample, and sample_ids elsewhere select_sampler = tfpd.Bernoulli( probs=self._sampling_probability, dtype=dtypes.bool) select_sample = select_sampler.sample( sample_shape=self.batch_size, seed=self._scheduling_seed) sample_id_sampler = tfpd.Categorical(logits=outputs) return array_ops.where( select_sample, sample_id_sampler.sample(seed=self._seed), gen_array_ops.fill([self.batch_size], -1))
[docs] def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None): """Gets the outputs for next step.""" with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelperNextInputs", [time, outputs, state, sample_ids]): (finished, base_next_inputs, state) = ( super(ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper, self).next_inputs( time=time, outputs=outputs, state=state, sample_ids=sample_ids, name=name)) def maybe_sample(): """Perform scheduled sampling.""" where_sampling = math_ops.cast( array_ops.where(sample_ids > -1), dtypes.int32) where_not_sampling = math_ops.cast( array_ops.where(sample_ids <= -1), dtypes.int32) sample_ids_sampling = array_ops.gather_nd(sample_ids, where_sampling) inputs_not_sampling = array_ops.gather_nd( base_next_inputs, where_not_sampling) if self._embedding_args_cnt == 1: sampled_next_inputs = self._embedding_fn( sample_ids_sampling) elif self._embedding_args_cnt == 2: # Prepare the position embedding of the next step times = tf.ones(self._batch_size, dtype=tf.int32) * (time + 1) sampled_next_inputs = self._embedding_fn( sample_ids_sampling, times) base_shape = array_ops.shape(base_next_inputs) return (array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_sampling, updates=sampled_next_inputs, shape=base_shape) + array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_not_sampling, updates=inputs_not_sampling, shape=base_shape)) all_finished = math_ops.reduce_all(finished) next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond( all_finished, lambda: base_next_inputs, maybe_sample) return (finished, next_inputs, state)
[docs]class ScheduledOutputTrainingHelper(TrainingHelper): """A training helper that adds scheduled sampling directly to outputs. Returns False for sample_ids where no sampling took place; True elsewhere. """ def __init__(self, inputs, sequence_length, sampling_probability, time_major=False, seed=None, next_inputs_fn=None, auxiliary_inputs=None, name=None): """Initializer. Args: inputs: A (structure) of input tensors. sequence_length: An int32 vector tensor. sampling_probability: A 0D `float32` tensor: the probability of sampling from the outputs instead of reading directly from the inputs. time_major: Python bool. Whether the tensors in `inputs` are time major. If `False` (default), they are assumed to be batch major. seed: The sampling seed. next_inputs_fn: (Optional) callable to apply to the RNN outputs to create the next input when sampling. If `None` (default), the RNN outputs will be used as the next inputs. auxiliary_inputs: An optional (structure of) auxiliary input tensors with a shape that matches `inputs` in all but (potentially) the final dimension. These tensors will be concatenated to the sampled output or the `inputs` when not sampling for use as the next input. name: Name scope for any created operations. Raises: ValueError: if `sampling_probability` is not a scalar or vector. """ with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledOutputTrainingHelper", [inputs, auxiliary_inputs, sampling_probability]): self._sampling_probability = ops.convert_to_tensor( sampling_probability, name="sampling_probability") if self._sampling_probability.get_shape().ndims not in (0, 1): raise ValueError( "sampling_probability must be either a scalar or a vector. " "saw shape: %s" % (self._sampling_probability.get_shape())) if auxiliary_inputs is None: maybe_concatenated_inputs = inputs else: inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, name="inputs") auxiliary_inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor( auxiliary_inputs, name="auxiliary_inputs") maybe_concatenated_inputs = nest.map_structure( lambda x, y: array_ops.concat((x, y), -1), inputs, auxiliary_inputs) if not time_major: auxiliary_inputs = nest.map_structure( _transpose_batch_time, auxiliary_inputs) self._auxiliary_input_tas = ( nest.map_structure(_unstack_ta, auxiliary_inputs) if auxiliary_inputs is not None else None) self._seed = seed self._next_inputs_fn = next_inputs_fn super(ScheduledOutputTrainingHelper, self).__init__( inputs=maybe_concatenated_inputs, sequence_length=sequence_length, time_major=time_major, name=name)
[docs] def initialize(self, name=None): return super(ScheduledOutputTrainingHelper, self).initialize(name=name)
[docs] def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None): """Gets a sample for one step.""" with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledOutputTrainingHelperSample", [time, outputs, state]): sampler = tfpd.Bernoulli(probs=self._sampling_probability) return sampler.sample(sample_shape=self.batch_size, seed=self._seed)
[docs] def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None): """Gets the next inputs for next step.""" with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledOutputTrainingHelperNextInputs", [time, outputs, state, sample_ids]): (finished, base_next_inputs, state) = ( super(ScheduledOutputTrainingHelper, self).next_inputs( time=time, outputs=outputs, state=state, sample_ids=sample_ids, name=name)) sample_ids = math_ops.cast(sample_ids, dtypes.bool) def maybe_sample(): """Perform scheduled sampling.""" def maybe_concatenate_auxiliary_inputs(outputs_, indices=None): """Concatenate outputs with auxiliary inputs, if they exist.""" if self._auxiliary_input_tas is None: return outputs_ next_time = time + 1 auxiliary_inputs = nest.map_structure( lambda ta:, self._auxiliary_input_tas) if indices is not None: auxiliary_inputs = array_ops.gather_nd(auxiliary_inputs, indices) return nest.map_structure( lambda x, y: array_ops.concat((x, y), -1), outputs_, auxiliary_inputs) if self._next_inputs_fn is None: return array_ops.where( sample_ids, maybe_concatenate_auxiliary_inputs(outputs), base_next_inputs) where_sampling = math_ops.cast( array_ops.where(sample_ids), dtypes.int32) where_not_sampling = math_ops.cast( array_ops.where(math_ops.logical_not(sample_ids)), dtypes.int32) outputs_sampling = array_ops.gather_nd(outputs, where_sampling) inputs_not_sampling = array_ops.gather_nd(base_next_inputs, where_not_sampling) sampled_next_inputs = maybe_concatenate_auxiliary_inputs( self._next_inputs_fn(outputs_sampling), where_sampling) base_shape = array_ops.shape(base_next_inputs) return (array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_sampling, updates=sampled_next_inputs, shape=base_shape) + array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_not_sampling, updates=inputs_not_sampling, shape=base_shape)) all_finished = math_ops.reduce_all(finished) no_samples = math_ops.logical_not(math_ops.reduce_any(sample_ids)) next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond( math_ops.logical_or(all_finished, no_samples), lambda: base_next_inputs, maybe_sample) return (finished, next_inputs, state)
[docs]class GreedyEmbeddingHelper(Helper): """A helper for use during inference. Uses the argmax of the output (treated as logits) and passes the result through an embedding layer to get the next input. Note that for greedy decoding, Texar's decoders provide a simpler interface by specifying `decoding_strategy='infer_greedy'` when calling a decoder (see, e.g.,, :meth:`RNN decoder <>`). In this case, use of GreedyEmbeddingHelper is not necessary. """ def __init__(self, embedding, start_tokens, end_token): """Initializer. Args: embedding: A callable or the `params` argument for `embedding_lookup`. If a callable, it can take a vector tensor of `ids` (argmax ids), or take two arguments (`ids`, `times`), where `ids` is a vector tensor of argmax ids, and `times` is a vector tensor of current time steps (i.e., position ids). The latter case can be used when attr:`embedding` is a combination of word embedding and position embedding. The returned tensor will be returned by :meth:`next_inputs`. start_tokens: `int32` vector shaped `[batch_size]`, the start tokens. end_token: `int32` scalar, the token that marks end of decoding. Raises: ValueError: if `start_tokens` is not a 1D tensor or `end_token` is not a scalar. """ if callable(embedding): self._embedding_fn = embedding else: self._embedding_fn = ( lambda ids: embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(embedding, ids)) self._start_tokens = ops.convert_to_tensor( start_tokens, dtype=dtypes.int32, name="start_tokens") self._end_token = ops.convert_to_tensor( end_token, dtype=dtypes.int32, name="end_token") if self._start_tokens.get_shape().ndims != 1: raise ValueError("start_tokens must be a vector") self._batch_size = shape_list(start_tokens)[0] if self._end_token.get_shape().ndims != 0: raise ValueError("end_token must be a scalar") self._embedding_args_cnt = len(get_args(self._embedding_fn)) if self._embedding_args_cnt == 1: self._start_inputs = self._embedding_fn(self._start_tokens) elif self._embedding_args_cnt == 2: # Position index is 0 in the beginning times = tf.zeros([self._batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) self._start_inputs = self._embedding_fn(self._start_tokens, times) else: raise ValueError('`embedding` should expect 1 or 2 arguments.') @property def batch_size(self): return self._batch_size @property def sample_ids_shape(self): return tensor_shape.TensorShape([]) @property def sample_ids_dtype(self): return dtypes.int32
[docs] def initialize(self, name=None): finished = array_ops.tile([False], [self._batch_size]) return finished, self._start_inputs
[docs] def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None): """Gets a sample for one step.""" del time, state # unused by sample_fn # Outputs are logits, use argmax to get the most probable id if not isinstance(outputs, ops.Tensor): raise TypeError("Expected outputs to be a single Tensor, got: %s" % type(outputs)) sample_ids = math_ops.argmax(outputs, axis=-1, output_type=dtypes.int32) return sample_ids
[docs] def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None): """Gets the inputs for next step.""" finished = math_ops.equal(sample_ids, self._end_token) all_finished = math_ops.reduce_all(finished) if self._embedding_args_cnt == 1: del time, outputs # unused by next_inputs_fn next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond( all_finished, # If we're finished, the next_inputs value doesn't matter lambda: self._start_inputs, lambda: self._embedding_fn(sample_ids)) elif self._embedding_args_cnt == 2: del outputs # Prepare the position embedding of the next step times = tf.ones(self._batch_size, dtype=tf.int32) * (time + 1) next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond( all_finished, # If we're finished, the next_inputs value doesn't matter lambda: self._start_inputs, lambda: self._embedding_fn(sample_ids, times)) return finished, next_inputs, state
[docs]class SampleEmbeddingHelper(GreedyEmbeddingHelper): """A helper for use during inference. Uses sampling (from a distribution) instead of argmax and passes the result through an embedding layer to get the next input. Note that for sample decoding, Texar's decoders provide a simpler interface by specifying `decoding_strategy='infer_sample'` when calling a decoder (see, e.g.,, :meth:`RNN decoder <>`). In this case, use of SampleEmbeddingHelper is not necessary. """ def __init__(self, embedding, start_tokens, end_token, softmax_temperature=None, seed=None): """Initializer. Args: embedding: A callable or the `params` argument for `embedding_lookup`. If a callable, it can take a vector tensor of token `ids`, or take two arguments (`ids`, `times`), where `ids` is a vector tensor of token ids, and `times` is a vector tensor of current time steps (i.e., position ids). The latter case can be used when attr:`embedding` is a combination of word embedding and position embedding. The returned tensor will be returned by :meth:`next_inputs`. start_tokens: `int32` vector shaped `[batch_size]`, the start tokens. end_token: `int32` scalar, the token that marks end of decoding. softmax_temperature: (Optional) `float32` scalar, value to divide the logits by before computing the softmax. Larger values (above 1.0) result in more random samples, while smaller values push the sampling distribution towards the argmax. Must be strictly greater than 0. Defaults to 1.0. seed: (Optional) The sampling seed. Raises: ValueError: if `start_tokens` is not a 1D tensor or `end_token` is not a scalar. """ super(SampleEmbeddingHelper, self).__init__( embedding, start_tokens, end_token) self._softmax_temperature = softmax_temperature self._seed = seed
[docs] def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None): """Gets a sample for one step.""" del time, state # unused by sample_fn # Outputs are logits, we sample instead of argmax (greedy). if not isinstance(outputs, ops.Tensor): raise TypeError("Expected outputs to be a single Tensor, got: %s" % type(outputs)) if self._softmax_temperature is None: logits = outputs else: logits = outputs / self._softmax_temperature sample_id_sampler = tfpd.Categorical(logits=logits) sample_ids = sample_id_sampler.sample(seed=self._seed) return sample_ids
[docs]class InferenceHelper(Helper): """A helper to use during inference with a custom sampling function.""" def __init__(self, sample_fn, sample_shape, sample_dtype, start_inputs, end_fn, next_inputs_fn=None): """Initializer. Args: sample_fn: A callable that takes `outputs` and emits tensor `sample_ids`. sample_shape: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D Tensor of type `int32`, the shape of the each sample in the batch returned by `sample_fn`. sample_dtype: the dtype of the sample returned by `sample_fn`. start_inputs: The initial batch of inputs. end_fn: A callable that takes `sample_ids` and emits a `bool` vector shaped `[batch_size]` indicating whether each sample is an end token. next_inputs_fn: (Optional) A callable that takes `sample_ids` and returns the next batch of inputs. If not provided, `sample_ids` is used as the next batch of inputs. """ self._sample_fn = sample_fn self._end_fn = end_fn self._sample_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(sample_shape) self._sample_dtype = sample_dtype self._next_inputs_fn = next_inputs_fn self._batch_size = array_ops.shape(start_inputs)[0] self._start_inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor( start_inputs, name="start_inputs") @property def batch_size(self): return self._batch_size @property def sample_ids_shape(self): return self._sample_shape @property def sample_ids_dtype(self): return self._sample_dtype
[docs] def initialize(self, name=None): finished = array_ops.tile([False], [self._batch_size]) return (finished, self._start_inputs)
[docs] def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None): """Gets a sample for one step.""" del time, state # unused by sample return self._sample_fn(outputs)
[docs] def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None): """Gets the outputs for next step.""" del time, outputs # unused by next_inputs if self._next_inputs_fn is None: next_inputs = sample_ids else: next_inputs = self._next_inputs_fn(sample_ids) finished = self._end_fn(sample_ids) return (finished, next_inputs, state)