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"""Deep Q learning Agent.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import random
import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf

from import context
from import EpisodicAgentBase
from import utils
from import optimization as opt

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = [

[docs]class DQNAgent(EpisodicAgentBase): """Deep Q learning agent for episodic setting. A Q learning algorithm consists of several components: - A **Q-net** takes in a state and returns Q-value for action sampling. See :class:`` for an example Q-net class and required interface. - A **replay memory** manages past experience for Q-net updates. See\ :class:`` for an example replay memory\ class and required interface. - An **exploration** that specifies the exploration strategy used\ to train the Q-net. See\ :class:`` for an example\ class and required interface. Args: env_config: An instance of :class:`` specifying action space, observation space, and reward range, etc. Use :func:`` to create an EnvConfig from a gym environment. sess (optional): A tf session. Can be `None` here and set later with `agent.sess = session`. qnet (optional): A Q network that predicts Q values given states. If not given, a Q network is created based on :attr:`hparams`. target (optional): A target network to compute target Q values. qnet_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for qnet constructor. Note that the `hparams` argument for network constructor is specified in the "policy_hparams" field of :attr:`hparams` and should not be included in `policy_kwargs`. Ignored if :attr:`qnet` is given. qnet_caller_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for calling `qnet` to get Q values. The `qnet` is called with :python:`outputs=qnet(inputs=observation, **qnet_caller_kwargs)` replay_memory (optional): A replay memory instance. If not given, a replay memory is created based on :attr:`hparams`. replay_memory_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for replay_memory constructor. Ignored if :attr:`replay_memory` is given. exploration (optional): An exploration instance used in the algorithm. If not given, an exploration instance is created based on :attr:`hparams`. exploration_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for exploration class constructor. Ignored if :attr:`exploration` is given. hparams (dict or HParams, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparamerters will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter sturcture and default values. """ def __init__(self, env_config, sess=None, qnet=None, target=None, qnet_kwargs=None, qnet_caller_kwargs=None, replay_memory=None, replay_memory_kwargs=None, exploration=None, exploration_kwargs=None, hparams=None): EpisodicAgentBase.__init__(self, env_config, hparams) self._sess = sess self._cold_start_steps = self._hparams.cold_start_steps self._sample_batch_size = self._hparams.sample_batch_size self._update_period = self._hparams.update_period self._discount_factor = self._hparams.discount_factor self._target_update_strategy = self._hparams.target_update_strategy self._num_actions = self._env_config.action_space.high - \ self._env_config.action_space.low with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope): if qnet is None: kwargs = utils.get_instance_kwargs( qnet_kwargs, self._hparams.qnet_hparams) qnet = utils.check_or_get_instance( ins_or_class_or_name=self._hparams.qnet_type, kwargs=kwargs, module_paths=['', '']) target = utils.check_or_get_instance( ins_or_class_or_name=self._hparams.qnet_type, kwargs=kwargs, module_paths=['', '']) self._qnet = qnet self._target = target self._qnet_caller_kwargs = qnet_caller_kwargs or {} if replay_memory is None: kwargs = utils.get_instance_kwargs( replay_memory_kwargs, self._hparams.replay_memory_hparams) replay_memory = utils.check_or_get_instance( ins_or_class_or_name=self._hparams.replay_memory_type, kwargs=kwargs, module_paths=['', '']) self._replay_memory = replay_memory if exploration is None: kwargs = utils.get_instance_kwargs( exploration_kwargs, self._hparams.exploration_hparams) exploration = utils.check_or_get_instance( ins_or_class_or_name=self._hparams.exploration_type, kwargs=kwargs, module_paths=['', '']) self._exploration = exploration self._build_graph() self._observ = None self._action = None self._timestep = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values: .. role:: python(code) :language: python .. code-block:: python { 'qnet_type': 'CategoricalQNet', 'qnet_hparams': None, 'replay_memory_type': 'DequeReplayMemory', 'replay_memory_hparams': None, 'exploration_type': 'EpsilonLinearDecayExploration', 'exploration_hparams': None, 'optimization': opt.default_optimization_hparams(), 'target_update_strategy': 'copy', 'cold_start_steps': 100, 'sample_batch_size': 32, 'update_period': 100, 'discount_factor': 0.95, 'name': 'dqn_agent' } Here: "qnet_type": str or class or instance Q-value net. Can be class, its name or module path, or a class instance. If class name is given, the class must be from module :mod:`` or :mod:``. Ignored if a `qnet` is given to the agent constructor. "qnet_hparams": dict, optional Hyperparameters for the Q net. With the :attr:`qnet_kwargs` argument to the constructor, a network is created with :python:`qnet_class(**qnet_kwargs, hparams=qnet_hparams)`. "replay_memory_type": str or class or instance Replay memory class. Can be class, its name or module path, or a class instance. If class name is given, the class must be from module :mod:`` or :mod:``. Ignored if a `replay_memory` is given to the agent constructor. "replay_memory_hparams": dict, optional Hyperparameters for the replay memory. With the :attr:`replay_memory_kwargs` argument to the constructor, a network is created with :python:`replay_memory_class( **replay_memory_kwargs, hparams=replay_memory_hparams)`. "exploration_type": str or class or instance Exploration class. Can be class, its name or module path, or a class instance. If class name is given, the class must be from module :mod:`` or :mod:``. Ignored if a `exploration` is given to the agent constructor. "exploration_hparams": dict, optional Hyperparameters for the exploration class. With the :attr:`exploration_kwargs` argument to the constructor, a network is created with :python:`exploration_class( **exploration_kwargs, hparams=exploration_hparams)`. "optimization": dict Hyperparameters of optimization for updating the Q-net. See :func:`` for details. "cold_start_steps": int In the beginning, Q-net is not trained in the first few steps. "sample_batch_size": int The number of samples taken in replay memory when training. "target_update_strategy": string - If **"copy"**, the target network is assigned with the parameter \ of Q-net every :attr:`"update_period"` steps. - If **"tau"**, target will be updated by assigning as \ ``` (1 - 1/update_period) * target + 1/update_period * qnet ``` "update_period": int Frequecy of updating the target network, i.e., updating the target once for every "update_period" steps. "discount_factor": float The discount factor of reward. "name": str Name of the agent. """ return { 'qnet_type': 'CategoricalQNet', 'qnet_hparams': None, 'replay_memory_type': 'DequeReplayMemory', 'replay_memory_hparams': None, 'exploration_type': 'EpsilonLinearDecayExploration', 'exploration_hparams': None, 'optimization': opt.default_optimization_hparams(), 'target_update_strategy': 'copy', 'cold_start_steps': 100, 'sample_batch_size': 32, 'update_period': 100, 'discount_factor': 0.95, 'name': 'dqn_agent' }
def _build_graph(self): with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope): self._observ_inputs = tf.placeholder( dtype=self._env_config.observ_dtype, shape=[None, ] + list(self._env_config.observ_shape), name='observ_inputs') self._action_inputs = tf.placeholder( dtype=self._env_config.action_dtype, shape=[None, self._num_actions], name='action_inputs') self._y_inputs = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ], name='y_inputs') self._qnet_outputs = self._get_qnet_outputs(self._observ_inputs) self._target_outputs = self._get_target_outputs(self._observ_inputs) self._td_error = self._get_td_error( qnet_qvalues=self._qnet_outputs['qvalues'], actions=self._action_inputs, y=self._y_inputs) self._train_op = self._get_train_op() if self._target_update_strategy == 'copy': self._update_op = self._get_copy_update_op() elif self._target_update_strategy == 'tau': self._update_op = self._get_tau_update_op() def _get_qnet_outputs(self, state_inputs): return self._qnet(inputs=state_inputs, **self._qnet_caller_kwargs) def _get_target_outputs(self, state_inputs): return self._target(inputs=state_inputs, **self._qnet_caller_kwargs) def _get_td_error(self, qnet_qvalues, actions, y): return y - tf.reduce_sum(qnet_qvalues * tf.cast(actions, tf.float), axis=1) def _get_train_op(self): train_op = opt.get_train_op( loss=tf.reduce_sum(self._td_error ** 2), variables=self._qnet.trainable_variables, hparams=self._hparams.optimization.todict()) return train_op def _get_copy_update_op(self): op = [] for i in range(len(self._qnet.trainable_variables)): op.append(tf.assign(ref=self._target.trainable_variables[i], value=self._qnet.trainable_variables[i])) return op def _get_tau_update_op(self): tau = 1. / self._update_period op = [] for i in range(len(self._qnet.trainable_variables)): value_ = (1. - tau) * self._target.trainable_variables[i] + \ tau * self._qnet.trainable_variables[i] op.append(tf.assign( ref=self._target.trainable_variables[i], value=value_)) return op def _observe(self, reward, terminal, train_policy, feed_dict): if self._timestep > self._cold_start_steps and train_policy: self._train_qnet(feed_dict) action_one_hot = [0.] * self._num_actions action_one_hot[self._action] = 1. self._replay_memory.add(dict( observ=self._observ, action=action_one_hot, reward=reward, terminal=terminal, next_observ=None)) self._timestep += 1 def _train_qnet(self, feed_dict): minibatch = self._replay_memory.get(self._sample_batch_size) observ_batch = np.array([data['observ'] for data in minibatch]) action_batch = np.array([data['action'] for data in minibatch]) reward_batch = np.array([data['reward'] for data in minibatch]) terminal_batch = np.array([data['terminal'] for data in minibatch]) next_observ_batch = \ np.array([data['next_observ'] for data in minibatch]) target_qvalue = self._target_outputs['qvalues'], feed_dict={ self._observ_inputs: next_observ_batch, context.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT}) y_batch = reward_batch for i in range(self._sample_batch_size): if not terminal_batch[i]: y_batch[i] += self._discount_factor * np.max(target_qvalue[i]) feed_dict_ = { self._observ_inputs: observ_batch, self._y_inputs: y_batch, self._action_inputs: action_batch } feed_dict_.update(feed_dict or {}), feed_dict=feed_dict_) self._update_target(feed_dict) def _update_target(self, feed_dict): if self._target_update_strategy == 'tau' or ( self._target_update_strategy == 'copy' and self._timestep % self._update_period == 0):, feed_dict=feed_dict) def _qvalues_from_qnet(self, observ): return self._qnet_outputs['qvalues'], feed_dict={self._observ_inputs: np.array([observ]), context.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT}) def _qvalues_from_target(self, observ): return self._target_outputs['qvalues'], feed_dict={self._observ_inputs: np.array([observ]), context.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT}) def _update_observ_action(self, observ, action): self._observ = observ self._action = action if self._replay_memory.size() > 0: self._replay_memory.last()['next_observ'] = self._observ def _get_action(self, observ, feed_dict=None): qvalue = self._qvalues_from_qnet(observ) if random.random() < self._exploration.get_epsilon(self._timestep): action = random.randrange(self._num_actions) else: action = np.argmax(qvalue) self._update_observ_action(observ, action) return action def _reset(self): self._observ = None self._action = None @property def sess(self): """The tf session. """ return self._sess @sess.setter def sess(self, session): self._sess = session