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Helper functions and classes for embedding processing.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import gfile
import numpy as np

from import utils
from import HParams

__all__ = [

[docs]def load_word2vec(filename, vocab, word_vecs): """Loads embeddings in the word2vec binary format which has a header line containing the number of vectors and their dimensionality (two integers), followed with number-of-vectors lines each of which is formatted as '<word-string> <embedding-vector>'. Args: filename (str): Path to the embedding file. vocab (dict): A dictionary that maps token strings to integer index. Tokens not in :attr:`vocab` are not read. word_vecs: A 2D numpy array of shape `[vocab_size, embed_dim]` which is updated as reading from the file. Returns: The updated :attr:`word_vecs`. """ with gfile.GFile(filename, "rb") as fin: header = fin.readline() vocab_size, vector_size = [int(s) for s in header.split()] if vector_size != word_vecs.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Inconsistent word vector sizes: %d vs %d" % (vector_size, word_vecs.shape[1])) binary_len = np.dtype('float32').itemsize * vector_size for _ in np.arange(vocab_size): chars = [] while True: char = if char == b' ': break if char != b'\n': chars.append(char) word = b''.join(chars) word = tf.compat.as_text(word) if word in vocab: word_vecs[vocab[word]] = np.fromstring(, dtype='float32') else: return word_vecs
[docs]def load_glove(filename, vocab, word_vecs): """Loads embeddings in the glove text format in which each line is '<word-string> <embedding-vector>'. Dimensions of the embedding vector are separated with whitespace characters. Args: filename (str): Path to the embedding file. vocab (dict): A dictionary that maps token strings to integer index. Tokens not in :attr:`vocab` are not read. word_vecs: A 2D numpy array of shape `[vocab_size, embed_dim]` which is updated as reading from the file. Returns: The updated :attr:`word_vecs`. """ with gfile.GFile(filename) as fin: for line in fin: vec = line.strip().split() if len(vec) == 0: continue word, vec = vec[0], vec[1:] word = tf.compat.as_text(word) if word not in vocab: continue if len(vec) != word_vecs.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Inconsistent word vector sizes: %d vs %d" % (len(vec), word_vecs.shape[1])) word_vecs[vocab[word]] = np.array([float(v) for v in vec]) return word_vecs
[docs]class Embedding(object): """Embedding class that loads token embedding vectors from file. Token embeddings not in the embedding file are initialized as specified in :attr:`hparams`. Args: vocab (dict): A dictionary that maps token strings to integer index. read_fn: Callable that takes `(filename, vocab, word_vecs)` and returns the updated `word_vecs`. E.g., :func:`` and :func:``. """ def __init__(self, vocab, hparams=None): self._hparams = HParams(hparams, self.default_hparams()) # Initialize embeddings init_fn_kwargs = self._hparams.init_fn.kwargs.todict() if "shape" in init_fn_kwargs or "size" in init_fn_kwargs: raise ValueError("Argument 'shape' or 'size' must not be " "specified. They are inferred automatically.") init_fn = utils.get_function( self._hparams.init_fn.type, ["numpy.random", "numpy", ""]) try: self._word_vecs = init_fn(size=[len(vocab), self._hparams.dim], **init_fn_kwargs) except TypeError: self._word_vecs = init_fn(shape=[len(vocab), self._hparams.dim], **init_fn_kwargs) # Optionally read embeddings from file if self._hparams.file is not None and self._hparams.file != "": read_fn = utils.get_function( self._hparams.read_fn, ["", "", ""]) self._word_vecs = \ read_fn(self._hparams.file, vocab, self._word_vecs)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values: .. role:: python(code) :language: python .. code-block:: python { "file": "", "dim": 50, "read_fn": "load_word2vec", "init_fn": { "type": "numpy.random.uniform", "kwargs": { "low": -0.1, "high": 0.1, } }, } Here: "file": str Path to the embedding file. If not provided, all embeddings are initialized with the initialization function. "dim": int Dimension size of each embedding vector "read_fn": str or callable Function to read the embedding file. This can be the function, or its string name or full module path. E.g., .. code-block:: python "read_fn": "read_fn": "load_word2vec" "read_fn": "" "read_fn": "my_module.my_read_fn" If function string name is used, the function must be in one of the modules: :mod:`` or :mod:``. The function must have the same signature as with :func:`load_word2vec`. "init_fn": dict Hyperparameters of the initialization function used to initialize embedding of tokens missing in the embedding file. The function must accept argument named `size` or `shape` to specify the output shape, and return a numpy array of the shape. The `dict` has the following fields: "type": str or callable The initialization function. Can be either the function, or its string name or full module path. "kwargs": dict Keyword arguments for calling the function. The function is called with :python:`init_fn(size=[.., ..], **kwargs)`. """ return { "file": "", "dim": 50, "read_fn": "load_word2vec", "init_fn": { "type": "numpy.random.uniform", "kwargs": { "low": -0.1, "high": 0.1, }, }, "@no_typecheck": ["read_fn", "init_fn"] }
@property def word_vecs(self): """2D numpy array of shape `[vocab_size, embedding_dim]`. """ return self._word_vecs @property def vector_size(self): """The embedding dimention size. """ return self._hparams.dim