Source code for

# Copyright 2019 The Texar Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Various connectors.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import distributions as tf_dstr
from tensorflow.python.util import nest    # pylint: disable=E0611

from import ConnectorBase
from import layers
from import get_function, check_or_get_instance

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, arguments-differ
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, invalid-name, no-member

__all__ = [
    # "ConcatConnector"

def _assert_same_size(outputs, output_size):
    """Check if outputs match output_size

        outputs: A Tensor or a (nested) tuple of tensors
        output_size: Can be an Integer, a TensorShape, or a (nested) tuple of
            Integers or TensorShape.
    nest.assert_same_structure(outputs, output_size)
    flat_output_size = nest.flatten(output_size)
    flat_output = nest.flatten(outputs)

    for (output, size) in zip(flat_output, flat_output_size):
        if isinstance(size, tf.TensorShape):
            if output.shape == size:
        elif output[0].shape != tf.TensorShape(size):
            raise ValueError(
                "The output size does not match the the required output_size")

def _get_tensor_depth(x):
    """Returns the size of a tensor excluding the first dimension
    (typically the batch dimension).

        x: A tensor.

def _mlp_transform(inputs, output_size, activation_fn=tf.identity):
    """Transforms inputs through a fully-connected layer that creates the output
    with specified size.

        inputs: A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, d1, ..., dn]`, or a (nested)
            tuple of such elements. The dimensions `d1, ..., dn` will be flatten
            and transformed by a dense layer.
        output_size: Can be an Integer, a TensorShape, or a (nested) tuple of
            Integers or TensorShape.
        activation_fn: Activation function applied to the output.

        If :attr:`output_size` is an Integer or a TensorShape, returns a Tensor
        of shape `[batch_size x output_size]`. If :attr:`output_size` is a tuple
        of Integers or TensorShape, returns a tuple having the same structure as
        :attr:`output_size`, where each element Tensor has the same size as
        defined in :attr:`output_size`.
    # Flatten inputs
    flat_input = nest.flatten(inputs)
    dims = [_get_tensor_depth(x) for x in flat_input]
    flat_input = [tf.reshape(x, ([-1, d])) for x, d in zip(flat_input, dims)]
    concat_input = tf.concat(flat_input, 1)

    # Get output dimension
    flat_output_size = nest.flatten(output_size)
    if isinstance(flat_output_size[0], tf.TensorShape):
        size_list = [0] * len(flat_output_size)
        for (i, shape) in enumerate(flat_output_size):
            size_list[i] =[dim.value for dim in shape])
        size_list = flat_output_size
    sum_output_size = sum(size_list)

    # fc_output = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(
    #    concat_input, sum_output_size, activation_fn=activation_fn)
    fc_output = tf.layers.dense(
        concat_input, sum_output_size, activation=activation_fn)

    flat_output = tf.split(fc_output, size_list, axis=1)

    if isinstance(flat_output_size[0], tf.TensorShape):
        for (i, shape) in enumerate(flat_output_size):
            flat_output[i] = tf.reshape(flat_output[i], [-1] + shape.as_list())
    output = nest.pack_sequence_as(structure=output_size,

    return output

[docs]class ConstantConnector(ConnectorBase): """Creates a constant Tensor or (nested) tuple of Tensors that contains a constant value. Args: output_size: Size of output **excluding** the batch dimension. For example, set `output_size` to `dim` to generate output of shape `[batch_size, dim]`. Can be an `int`, a tuple of `int`, a Tensorshape, or a tuple of TensorShapes. For example, to transform inputs to have decoder state size, set `output_size=decoder.state_size`. hparams (dict, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparamerter will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter sturcture and default values. This connector does not have trainable parameters. See :meth:`_build` for the inputs and outputs of the connector. Example: .. code-block:: python connector = Connector(cell.state_size) zero_state = connector(batch_size=64, value=0.) one_state = connector(batch_size=64, value=1.) .. document private functions .. automethod:: _build """ def __init__(self, output_size, hparams=None): ConnectorBase.__init__(self, output_size, hparams)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "value": 0., "name": "constant_connector" } Here: "value": float The constant scalar that the output tensor(s) has. Ignored if `value` is given to :meth:`_build`. "name": str Name of the connector. """ return { "value": 0., "name": "constant_connector" }
[docs] def _build(self, batch_size, value=None): """Creates output tensor(s) that has the given value. Args: batch_size: An `int` or `int` scalar Tensor, the batch size. value (optional): A scalar, the value that the output tensor(s) has. If `None`, "value" in :attr:`hparams` is used. Returns: A (structure of) tensor whose structure is the same as :attr:`output_size`, with value speicified by `value` or :attr:`hparams`. """ value_ = value if value_ is None: value_ = self.hparams.value output = nest.map_structure( lambda x: tf.constant(value_, shape=[batch_size, x]), self._output_size) self._built = True return output
[docs]class ForwardConnector(ConnectorBase): """Transforms inputs to have specified structure. Args: output_size: Size of output **excluding** the batch dimension. For example, set `output_size` to `dim` to generate output of shape `[batch_size, dim]`. Can be an `int`, a tuple of `int`, a Tensorshape, or a tuple of TensorShapes. For example, to transform inputs to have decoder state size, set `output_size=decoder.state_size`. hparams (dict, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparamerter will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter sturcture and default values. This connector does not have trainable parameters. See :meth:`_build` for the inputs and outputs of the connector. The input to the connector must have the same structure with :attr:`output_size`, or must have the same number of elements and be re-packable into the structure of :attr:`output_size`. Note that if input is or contains a `dict` instance, the keys will be sorted to pack in deterministic order (See :tf_main:`pack_sequence_as <contrib/framework/nest/pack_sequence_as>` for more details). Example: .. code-block:: python cell = LSTMCell(num_units=256) # cell.state_size == LSTMStateTuple(c=256, h=256) connector = ForwardConnector(cell.state_size) output = connector([tensor_1, tensor_2]) # output == LSTMStateTuple(c=tensor_1, h=tensor_2) .. document private functions .. automethod:: _build """ def __init__(self, output_size, hparams=None): ConnectorBase.__init__(self, output_size, hparams)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "name": "forward_connector" } Here: "name": str Name of the connector. """ return { "name": "forward_connector" }
[docs] def _build(self, inputs): """Transforms inputs to have the same structure as with :attr:`output_size`. Values of the inputs are not changed. :attr:`inputs` must either have the same structure, or have the same number of elements with :attr:`output_size`. Args: inputs: The input (structure of) tensor to pass forward. Returns: A (structure of) tensors that re-packs `inputs` to have the specified structure of `output_size`. """ output = inputs try: nest.assert_same_structure(inputs, self._output_size) except (ValueError, TypeError): flat_input = nest.flatten(inputs) output = nest.pack_sequence_as( self._output_size, flat_input) self._built = True return output
[docs]class MLPTransformConnector(ConnectorBase): """Transforms inputs with an MLP layer and packs the results into the specified structure and size. Args: output_size: Size of output **excluding** the batch dimension. For example, set `output_size` to `dim` to generate output of shape `[batch_size, dim]`. Can be an `int`, a tuple of `int`, a Tensorshape, or a tuple of TensorShapes. For example, to transform inputs to have decoder state size, set `output_size=decoder.state_size`. hparams (dict, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparamerter will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter sturcture and default values. See :meth:`_build` for the inputs and outputs of the connector. The input to the connector can have arbitrary structure and size. Example: .. code-block:: python cell = LSTMCell(num_units=256) # cell.state_size == LSTMStateTuple(c=256, h=256) connector = MLPTransformConnector(cell.state_size) inputs = tf.zeros([64, 10]) output = connector(inputs) # output == LSTMStateTuple(c=tensor_of_shape_(64, 256), # h=tensor_of_shape_(64, 256)) .. code-block:: python ## Use to connect encoder and decoder with different state size encoder = UnidirectionalRNNEncoder(...) _, final_state = encoder(inputs=...) decoder = BasicRNNDecoder(...) connector = MLPTransformConnector(decoder.state_size) _ = decoder( initial_state=connector(final_state), ...) .. document private functions .. automethod:: _build """ def __init__(self, output_size, hparams=None): ConnectorBase.__init__(self, output_size, hparams)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "activation_fn": "identity", "name": "mlp_connector" } Here: "activation_fn": str or callable The activation function applied to the outputs of the MLP transformation layer. Can be a function, or its name or module path. "name": str Name of the connector. """ return { "activation_fn": "identity", "name": "mlp_connector" }
[docs] def _build(self, inputs): """Transforms inputs with an MLP layer and packs the results to have the same structure as specified by :attr:`output_size`. Args: inputs: Input (structure of) tensors to be transformed. Must be a Tensor of shape `[batch_size, ...]` or a (nested) tuple of such Tensors. That is, the first dimension of (each) tensor must be the batch dimension. Returns: A Tensor or a (nested) tuple of Tensors of the same structure of `output_size`. """ activation_fn = layers.get_activation_fn(self.hparams.activation_fn) output = _mlp_transform(inputs, self._output_size, activation_fn) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return output
[docs]class ReparameterizedStochasticConnector(ConnectorBase): """Samples from a distribution with reparameterization trick, and transforms samples into specified size. Reparameterization allows gradients to be back-propagated through the stochastic samples. Used in, e.g., Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). Args: output_size: Size of output **excluding** the batch dimension. For example, set `output_size` to `dim` to generate output of shape `[batch_size, dim]`. Can be an `int`, a tuple of `int`, a Tensorshape, or a tuple of TensorShapes. For example, to transform inputs to have decoder state size, set `output_size=decoder.state_size`. hparams (dict, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparamerter will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter sturcture and default values. Example: .. code-block:: python cell = LSTMCell(num_units=256) # cell.state_size == LSTMStateTuple(c=256, h=256) connector = ReparameterizedStochasticConnector(cell.state_size) kwargs = { 'loc': tf.zeros([batch_size, 10]), 'scale_diag': tf.ones([batch_size, 10]) } output, sample = connector(distribution_kwargs=kwargs) # output == LSTMStateTuple(c=tensor_of_shape_(batch_size, 256), # h=tensor_of_shape_(batch_size, 256)) # sample == Tensor([batch_size, 10]) kwargs = { 'loc': tf.zeros([10]), 'scale_diag': tf.ones([10]) } output_, sample_ = connector(distribution_kwargs=kwargs, num_samples=batch_size_) # output_ == LSTMStateTuple(c=tensor_of_shape_(batch_size_, 256), # h=tensor_of_shape_(batch_size_, 256)) # sample == Tensor([batch_size_, 10]) .. document private functions .. automethod:: _build """ def __init__(self, output_size, hparams=None): ConnectorBase.__init__(self, output_size, hparams)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "activation_fn": "identity", "name": "reparameterized_stochastic_connector" } Here: "activation_fn": str The activation function applied to the outputs of the MLP transformation layer. Can be a function, or its name or module path. "name": str Name of the connector. """ return { "activation_fn": "tensorflow.identity", "name": "reparameterized_stochastic_connector" }
[docs] def _build(self, distribution='MultivariateNormalDiag', distribution_kwargs=None, transform=True, num_samples=None): """Samples from a distribution and optionally performs transformation with an MLP layer. The distribution must be reparameterizable, i.e., `distribution.reparameterization_type = FULLY_REPARAMETERIZED`. Args: distribution: A instance of subclass of :tf_main:`TF Distribution <distributions/Distribution>`, or :tf_hmpg:`tensorflow_probability Distribution <probability>`, Can be a class, its name or module path, or a class instance. distribution_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for the distribution constructor. Ignored if `distribution` is a class instance. transform (bool): Whether to perform MLP transformation of the distribution samples. If `False`, the structure/shape of a sample must match :attr:`output_size`. num_samples (optional): An `int` or `int` Tensor. Number of samples to generate. If not given, generate a single sample. Note that if batch size has already been included in `distribution`'s dimensionality, `num_samples` should be left as `None`. Returns: A tuple (output, sample), where - output: A Tensor or a (nested) tuple of Tensors with the same \ structure and size of :attr:`output_size`. The batch dimension \ equals :attr:`num_samples` if specified, or is determined by the \ distribution dimensionality. If :attr:`transform` is `False`, \ :attr:`output` will be equal to :attr:`sample`. - sample: The sample from the distribution, prior to transformation. Raises: ValueError: If distribution cannot be reparametrized. ValueError: The output does not match :attr:`output_size`. """ dstr = check_or_get_instance( distribution, distribution_kwargs, ["tensorflow.distributions", "tensorflow_probability.distributions", ""]) if dstr.reparameterization_type == tf_dstr.NOT_REPARAMETERIZED: raise ValueError( "Distribution is not reparameterized: %s" % if num_samples: sample = dstr.sample(num_samples) else: sample = dstr.sample() # if dstr.event_shape == []: # sample = tf.reshape( # sample, # sample.shape.concatenate(tf.TensorShape(1))) # sample = tf.cast(sample, tf.float32) if transform: fn_modules = ['tensorflow', 'tensorflow.nn', ''] activation_fn = get_function(self.hparams.activation_fn, fn_modules) output = _mlp_transform(sample, self._output_size, activation_fn) else: output = sample _assert_same_size(output, self._output_size) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return output, sample
[docs]class StochasticConnector(ConnectorBase): """Samples from a distribution and transforms samples into specified size. The connector is the same as :class:``, except that here reparameterization is disabled, and thus the gradients cannot be back-propagated through the stochastic samples. Args: output_size: Size of output **excluding** the batch dimension. For example, set `output_size` to `dim` to generate output of shape `[batch_size, dim]`. Can be an `int`, a tuple of `int`, a Tensorshape, or a tuple of TensorShapes. For example, to transform inputs to have decoder state size, set `output_size=decoder.state_size`. hparams (dict, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparamerter will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter sturcture and default values. .. document private functions .. automethod:: _build """ def __init__(self, output_size, hparams=None): ConnectorBase.__init__(self, output_size, hparams)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "activation_fn": "identity", "name": "stochastic_connector" } Here: "activation_fn": str The activation function applied to the outputs of the MLP transformation layer. Can be a function, or its name or module path. "name": str Name of the connector. """ return { "activation_fn": "tensorflow.identity", "name": "stochastic_connector" }
[docs] def _build(self, distribution='MultivariateNormalDiag', distribution_kwargs=None, transform=True, num_samples=None): """Samples from a distribution and optionally performs transformation with an MLP layer. The inputs and outputs are the same as :class:`` except that the distribution does not need to be reparameterizable, and gradient cannot be back-propagate through the samples. Args: distribution: A instance of subclass of :tf_main:`TF Distribution <distributions/Distribution>`, or :tf_hmpg:`tensorflow_probability Distribution <probability>`. Can be a class, its name or module path, or a class instance. distribution_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for the distribution constructor. Ignored if `distribution` is a class instance. transform (bool): Whether to perform MLP transformation of the distribution samples. If `False`, the structure/shape of a sample must match :attr:`output_size`. num_samples (optional): An `int` or `int` Tensor. Number of samples to generate. If not given, generate a single sample. Note that if batch size has already been included in `distribution`'s dimensionality, `num_samples` should be left as `None`. Returns: A tuple (output, sample), where - output: A Tensor or a (nested) tuple of Tensors with the same \ structure and size of :attr:`output_size`. The batch dimension \ equals :attr:`num_samples` if specified, or is determined by the \ distribution dimensionality. If :attr:`transform` is `False`, \ :attr:`output` will be equal to :attr:`sample`. - sample: The sample from the distribution, prior to transformation. Raises: ValueError: The output does not match :attr:`output_size`. """ dstr = check_or_get_instance( distribution, distribution_kwargs, ["tensorflow.distributions", "tensorflow_probability.distributions", ""]) if num_samples: sample = dstr.sample(num_samples) else: sample = dstr.sample() if dstr.event_shape == []: sample = tf.reshape(sample, sample.shape.concatenate(tf.TensorShape(1))) # Disable gradients through samples sample = tf.stop_gradient(sample) sample = tf.cast(sample, tf.float32) if transform: fn_modules = ['tensorflow', 'tensorflow.nn', ''] activation_fn = get_function(self.hparams.activation_fn, fn_modules) output = _mlp_transform(sample, self._output_size, activation_fn) else: output = sample _assert_same_size(output, self._output_size) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return output, sample
# class ConcatConnector(ConnectorBase): # """Concatenates multiple connectors into one connector. Used in, e.g., # semi-supervised variational autoencoders, disentangled representation # learning, and other models. # # Args: # output_size: Size of output excluding the batch dimension (eg. # :attr:`output_size = p` if :attr:`output.shape` is :attr:`[N, p]`). # Can be an int, a tuple of int, a Tensorshape, or a tuple of # TensorShapes. # For example, to transform to decoder state size, set # `output_size=decoder.cell.state_size`. # hparams (dict): Hyperparameters of the connector. # """ # # def __init__(self, output_size, hparams=None): # ConnectorBase.__init__(self, output_size, hparams) # # @staticmethod # def default_hparams(): # """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. # # Returns: # .. code-block:: python # # { # "activation_fn": "tensorflow.identity", # "name": "concat_connector" # } # # Here: # # "activation_fn": (str or callable) # The name or full path to the activation function applied to # the outputs of the MLP layer. The activation functions can be: # # - Built-in activation functions defined in :mod:`tf` or \ # :mod:`tf.nn`, e.g., :tf_main:`identity <identity>`. # - User-defined activation functions in ``. # - External activation functions. Must provide the full path, \ # e.g., "my_module.my_activation_fn". # # The default value is :attr:`"identity"`, i.e., the MLP # transformation is linear. # # "name": str # Name of the connector. # # The default value is "concat_connector". # """ # return { # "activation_fn": "tensorflow.identity", # "name": "concat_connector" # } # # def _build(self, connector_inputs, transform=True): # """Concatenate multiple input connectors # # Args: # connector_inputs: a list of connector states # transform (bool): If `True`, then the output are automatically # transformed to match :attr:`output_size`. # # Returns: # A Tensor or a (nested) tuple of Tensors of the same structure of # the decoder state. # """ # connector_inputs = [tf.cast(connector, tf.float32) # for connector in connector_inputs] # output = tf.concat(connector_inputs, axis=1) # # if transform: # fn_modules = ['', 'tensorflow', 'tensorflow.nn'] # activation_fn = get_function(self.hparams.activation_fn, # fn_modules) # output = _mlp_transform(output, self._output_size, activation_fn) # _assert_same_size(output, self._output_size) # # self._add_internal_trainable_variables() # self._built = True # # return output