Source code for

# Copyright 2018 The Texar Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Miscellaneous Utility functions.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, no-member, no-name-in-module, protected-access
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, too-many-arguments

from typing import List, Union

import inspect
import funcsigs
from pydoc import locate
import copy
import collections
import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf

from import HParams
from import is_str, is_callable, compat_as_text, \

# pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

MAX_SEQ_LENGTH = np.iinfo(np.int32).max

# Some modules cannot be imported directly,
# e.g., `import tensorflow.train` fails.
# Such modules are treated in a special way in utils like `get_class` as below.
# _unimportable_modules = {
#    'tensorflow.train', 'tensorflow.keras.regularizers'
# }

__all__ = [

# TODO(zhiting): complete this
def _expand_name(name):
    """Replaces common shorthands with respective full names.

        "" --> ""
        "" --> ""
    return name

def _inspect_getargspec(fn):
    """Returns `inspect.getargspec(fn)` for Py2 and `inspect.getfullargspec(fn)`
    for Py3
        return inspect.getfullargspec(fn)
    except AttributeError:
            return inspect.getargspec(fn)
        except TypeError:
            return inspect.getargspec(fn.__call__)

[docs]def get_args(fn): """Gets the arguments of a function. Args: fn (callable): The function to inspect. Returns: list: A list of argument names (str) of the function. """ argspec = _inspect_getargspec(fn) args = argspec.args # Empty args can be because `fn` is decorated. Use `funcsigs.signature` # to re-do the inspect if len(args) == 0: args = funcsigs.signature(fn).parameters.keys() args = list(args) return args
[docs]def get_default_arg_values(fn): """Gets the arguments and respective default values of a function. Only arguments with default values are included in the output dictionary. Args: fn (callable): The function to inspect. Returns: dict: A dictionary that maps argument names (str) to their default values. The dictionary is empty if no arguments have default values. """ argspec = _inspect_getargspec(fn) if argspec.defaults is None: return {} num_defaults = len(argspec.defaults) return dict(zip(argspec.args[-num_defaults:], argspec.defaults))
[docs]def check_or_get_class(class_or_name, module_path=None, superclass=None): """Returns the class and checks if the class inherits :attr:`superclass`. Args: class_or_name: Name or full path to the class, or the class itself. module_paths (list, optional): Paths to candidate modules to search for the class. This is used if :attr:`class_or_name` is a string and the class cannot be located solely based on :attr:`class_or_name`. The first module in the list that contains the class is used. superclass (optional): A (list of) classes that the target class must inherit. Returns: The target class. Raises: ValueError: If class is not found based on :attr:`class_or_name` and :attr:`module_paths`. TypeError: If class does not inherits :attr:`superclass`. """ class_ = class_or_name if is_str(class_): class_ = get_class(class_, module_path) if superclass is not None: if not issubclass(class_, superclass): raise TypeError( "A subclass of {} is expected. Got: {}".format( superclass, class_)) return class_
[docs]def get_class(class_name, module_paths=None): """Returns the class based on class name. Args: class_name (str): Name or full path to the class. module_paths (list): Paths to candidate modules to search for the class. This is used if the class cannot be located solely based on `class_name`. The first module in the list that contains the class is used. Returns: The target class. Raises: ValueError: If class is not found based on :attr:`class_name` and :attr:`module_paths`. """ class_ = locate(class_name) if (class_ is None) and (module_paths is not None): for module_path in module_paths: # if module_path in _unimportable_modules: # Special treatment for unimportable modules by directly # accessing the class class_ = locate('.'.join([module_path, class_name])) if class_ is not None: break # else: # module = importlib.import_module(module_path) # if class_name in dir(module): # class_ = getattr(module, class_name) # break if class_ is None: raise ValueError( "Class not found in {}: {}".format(module_paths, class_name)) return class_
[docs]def check_or_get_instance(ins_or_class_or_name, kwargs, module_paths=None, classtype=None): """Returns a class instance and checks types. Args: ins_or_class_or_name: Can be of 3 types: - A class to instantiate. - A string of the name or full path to a class to \ instantiate. - The class instance to check types. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for the class constructor. Ignored if `ins_or_class_or_name` is a class instance. module_paths (list, optional): Paths to candidate modules to search for the class. This is used if the class cannot be located solely based on :attr:`class_name`. The first module in the list that contains the class is used. classtype (optional): A (list of) class of which the instance must be an instantiation. Raises: ValueError: If class is not found based on :attr:`class_name` and :attr:`module_paths`. ValueError: If :attr:`kwargs` contains arguments that are invalid for the class construction. TypeError: If the instance is not an instantiation of :attr:`classtype`. """ ret = ins_or_class_or_name if is_str(ret) or isinstance(ret, type): ret = get_instance(ret, kwargs, module_paths) if classtype is not None: if not isinstance(ret, classtype): raise TypeError( "An instance of {} is expected. Got: {}".format(classtype, ret)) return ret
[docs]def get_instance(class_or_name, kwargs, module_paths=None): """Creates a class instance. Args: class_or_name: A class, or its name or full path to a class to instantiate. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for the class constructor. module_paths (list, optional): Paths to candidate modules to search for the class. This is used if the class cannot be located solely based on :attr:`class_name`. The first module in the list that contains the class is used. Returns: A class instance. Raises: ValueError: If class is not found based on :attr:`class_or_name` and :attr:`module_paths`. ValueError: If :attr:`kwargs` contains arguments that are invalid for the class construction. """ # Locate the class class_ = class_or_name if is_str(class_): class_ = get_class(class_, module_paths) # Check validity of arguments class_args = set(get_args(class_.__init__)) if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} for key in kwargs.keys(): if key not in class_args: raise ValueError( "Invalid argument for class %s.%s: %s, valid args: %s" % (class_.__module__, class_.__name__, key, list(class_args))) return class_(**kwargs)
[docs]def check_or_get_instance_with_redundant_kwargs( ins_or_class_or_name, kwargs, module_paths=None, classtype=None): """Returns a class instance and checks types. Only those keyword arguments in :attr:`kwargs` that are included in the class construction method are used. Args: ins_or_class_or_name: Can be of 3 types: - A class to instantiate. - A string of the name or module path to a class to \ instantiate. - The class instance to check types. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for the class constructor. module_paths (list, optional): Paths to candidate modules to search for the class. This is used if the class cannot be located solely based on :attr:`class_name`. The first module in the list that contains the class is used. classtype (optional): A (list of) classes of which the instance must be an instantiation. Raises: ValueError: If class is not found based on :attr:`class_name` and :attr:`module_paths`. ValueError: If :attr:`kwargs` contains arguments that are invalid for the class construction. TypeError: If the instance is not an instantiation of :attr:`classtype`. """ ret = ins_or_class_or_name if is_str(ret) or isinstance(ret, type): ret = get_instance_with_redundant_kwargs(ret, kwargs, module_paths) if classtype is not None: if not isinstance(ret, classtype): raise TypeError( "An instance of {} is expected. Got: {}".format(classtype, ret)) return ret
[docs]def get_instance_with_redundant_kwargs( class_name, kwargs, module_paths=None): """Creates a class instance. Only those keyword arguments in :attr:`kwargs` that are included in the class construction method are used. Args: class_name (str): A class or its name or module path. kwargs (dict): A dictionary of arguments for the class constructor. It may include invalid arguments which will be ignored. module_paths (list of str): A list of paths to candidate modules to search for the class. This is used if the class cannot be located solely based on :attr:`class_name`. The first module in the list that contains the class is used. Returns: A class instance. Raises: ValueError: If class is not found based on :attr:`class_name` and :attr:`module_paths`. """ # Locate the class class_ = get_class(class_name, module_paths) # Select valid arguments selected_kwargs = {} class_args = set(get_args(class_.__init__)) if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in class_args: selected_kwargs[key] = value return class_(**selected_kwargs)
[docs]def get_function(fn_or_name, module_paths=None): """Returns the function of specified name and module. Args: fn_or_name (str or callable): Name or full path to a function, or the function itself. module_paths (list, optional): A list of paths to candidate modules to search for the function. This is used only when the function cannot be located solely based on :attr:`fn_or_name`. The first module in the list that contains the function is used. Returns: A function. """ if is_callable(fn_or_name): return fn_or_name fn = locate(fn_or_name) if (fn is None) and (module_paths is not None): for module_path in module_paths: # if module_path in _unimportable_modules: fn = locate('.'.join([module_path, fn_or_name])) if fn is not None: break # module = importlib.import_module(module_path) # if fn_name in dir(module): # fn = getattr(module, fn_name) # break if fn is None: raise ValueError( "Method not found in {}: {}".format(module_paths, fn_or_name)) return fn
[docs]def call_function_with_redundant_kwargs(fn, kwargs): """Calls a function and returns the results. Only those keyword arguments in :attr:`kwargs` that are included in the function's argument list are used to call the function. Args: fn (function): A callable. If :attr:`fn` is not a python function, :attr:`fn.__call__` is called. kwargs (dict): A `dict` of arguments for the callable. It may include invalid arguments which will be ignored. Returns: The returned results by calling :attr:`fn`. """ try: fn_args = set(get_args(fn)) except TypeError: fn_args = set(get_args(fn.__cal__)) if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} # Select valid arguments selected_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in fn_args: selected_kwargs[key] = value return fn(**selected_kwargs)
[docs]def get_instance_kwargs(kwargs, hparams): """Makes a dict of keyword arguments with the following structure: `kwargs_ = {'hparams': dict(hparams), **kwargs}`. This is typically used for constructing a module which takes a set of arguments as well as a argument named `hparams`. Args: kwargs (dict): A dict of keyword arguments. Can be `None`. hparams: A dict or an instance of :class:`` Can be `None`. Returns: A `dict` that contains the keyword arguments in :attr:`kwargs`, and an additional keyword argument named `hparams`. """ if hparams is None or isinstance(hparams, dict): kwargs_ = {'hparams': hparams} elif isinstance(hparams, HParams): kwargs_ = {'hparams': hparams.todict()} else: raise ValueError( '`hparams` must be a dict, an instance of HParams, or a `None`.') kwargs_.update(kwargs or {}) return kwargs_
[docs]def dict_patch(tgt_dict, src_dict): """Recursively patch :attr:`tgt_dict` by adding items from :attr:`src_dict` that do not exist in :attr:`tgt_dict`. If respective items in :attr:`src_dict` and :attr:`tgt_dict` are both `dict`, the :attr:`tgt_dict` item is patched recursively. Args: tgt_dict (dict): Target dictionary to patch. src_dict (dict): Source dictionary. Return: dict: The new :attr:`tgt_dict` that is patched. """ if src_dict is None: return tgt_dict for key, value in src_dict.items(): if key not in tgt_dict: tgt_dict[key] = copy.deepcopy(value) elif isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(tgt_dict[key], dict): tgt_dict[key] = dict_patch(tgt_dict[key], value) return tgt_dict
[docs]def dict_lookup(dict_, keys, default=None): """Looks up :attr:`keys` in the dict, returns the corresponding values. The :attr:`default` is used for keys not present in the dict. Args: dict_ (dict): A dictionary for lookup. keys: A numpy array or a (possibly nested) list of keys. default (optional): Value to be returned when a key is not in :attr:`dict_`. Error is raised if :attr:`default` is not given and key is not in the dict. Returns: A numpy array of values with the same structure as :attr:`keys`. Raises: TypeError: If key is not in :attr:`dict_` and :attr:`default` is `None`. """ return np.vectorize(lambda x: dict_.get(x, default))(keys)
[docs]def dict_fetch(src_dict, tgt_dict_or_keys): """Fetches a sub dict of :attr:`src_dict` with the keys in :attr:`tgt_dict_or_keys`. Args: src_dict: A dict or instance of :class:``. The source dict to fetch values from. tgt_dict_or_keys: A dict, instance of :class:``, or a list (or a dict_keys) of keys to be included in the output dict. Returns: A new dict that is a subdict of :attr:`src_dict`. """ if src_dict is None: return src_dict if isinstance(tgt_dict_or_keys, HParams): tgt_dict_or_keys = tgt_dict_or_keys.todict() if isinstance(tgt_dict_or_keys, dict): tgt_dict_or_keys = tgt_dict_or_keys.keys() keys = list(tgt_dict_or_keys) if isinstance(src_dict, HParams): src_dict = src_dict.todict() return {k: src_dict[k] for k in keys if k in src_dict}
[docs]def dict_pop(dict_, pop_keys, default=None): """Removes keys from a dict and returns their values. Args: dict_ (dict): A dictionary from which items are removed. pop_keys: A key or a list of keys to remove and return respective values or :attr:`default`. default (optional): Value to be returned when a key is not in :attr:`dict_`. The default value is `None`. Returns: A `dict` of the items removed from :attr:`dict_`. """ if not isinstance(pop_keys, (list, tuple)): pop_keys = [pop_keys] ret_dict = {key: dict_.pop(key, default) for key in pop_keys} return ret_dict
[docs]def flatten_dict(dict_, parent_key="", sep="."): """Flattens a nested dictionary. Namedtuples within the dictionary are converted to dicts. Adapted from: Args: dict_ (dict): The dictionary to flatten. parent_key (str): A prefix to prepend to each key. sep (str): Separator that intervenes between parent and child keys. E.g., if `sep` == '.', then `{ "a": { "b": 3 } }` is converted into `{ "a.b": 3 }`. Returns: A new flattened `dict`. """ items = [] for key, value in dict_.items(): key_ = parent_key + sep + key if parent_key else key if isinstance(value, collections.MutableMapping): items.extend(flatten_dict(value, key_, sep=sep).items()) elif isinstance(value, tuple) and hasattr(value, "_asdict"): dict_items = collections.OrderedDict(zip(value._fields, value)) items.extend(flatten_dict(dict_items, key_, sep=sep).items()) else: items.append((key_, value)) return dict(items)
[docs]def default_str(str_, default_str): """Returns :attr:`str_` if it is not `None` or empty, otherwise returns :attr:`default_str`. Args: str_: A string. default_str: A string. Returns: Either :attr:`str_` or :attr:`default_str`. """ if str_ is not None and str_ != "": return str_ else: return default_str
[docs]def uniquify_str(str_, str_set): """Uniquifies :attr:`str_` if :attr:`str_` is included in :attr:`str_set`. This is done by appending a number to :attr:`str_`. Returns :attr:`str_` directly if it is not included in :attr:`str_set`. Args: str_ (string): A string to uniquify. str_set (set, dict, or list): A collection of strings. The returned string is guaranteed to be different from the elements in the collection. Returns: The uniquified string. Returns :attr:`str_` directly if it is already unique. Example: .. code-block:: python print(uniquify_str('name', ['name', 'name_1'])) # 'name_2' """ if str_ not in str_set: return str_ else: for i in range(1, len(str_set) + 1): unique_str = str_ + "_%d" % i if unique_str not in str_set: return unique_str raise ValueError("Fails to uniquify string: " + str_)
def _recur_split(s, dtype_as): """Splits (possibly nested list of) strings recursively. """ if is_str(s): return _maybe_list_to_array(s.split(), dtype_as) else: s_ = [_recur_split(si, dtype_as) for si in s] return _maybe_list_to_array(s_, s)
[docs]def strip_token(str_, token, is_token_list=False, compat=True): """Returns a copy of strings with leading and trailing tokens removed. Note that besides :attr:`token`, all leading and trailing whitespace characters are also removed. If :attr:`is_token_list` is False, then the function assumes tokens in :attr:`str_` are separated with whitespace character. Args: str_: A `str`, or an `n`-D numpy array or (possibly nested) list of `str`. token (str): The token to strip, e.g., the '<PAD>' token defined in :class:``.PAD is_token_list (bool): Whether each sentence in :attr:`str_` is a list of tokens. If False, each sentence in :attr:`str_` is assumed to contain tokens separated with space character. compat (bool): Whether to convert tokens into `unicode` (Python 2) or `str` (Python 3). Returns: The stripped strings of the same structure/shape as :attr:`str_`. Example: .. code-block:: python str_ = '<PAD> a sentence <PAD> <PAD> ' str_stripped = strip_token(str_, '<PAD>') # str_stripped == 'a sentence' str_ = ['<PAD>', 'a', 'sentence', '<PAD>', '<PAD>', '', ''] str_stripped = strip_token(str_, '<PAD>', is_token_list=True) # str_stripped == 'a sentence' """ def _recur_strip(s): if is_str(s): if token == "": return ' '.join(s.strip().split()) else: return ' '.join(s.strip().split()).\ replace(' ' + token, '').replace(token + ' ', '') else: s_ = [_recur_strip(si) for si in s] return _maybe_list_to_array(s_, s) s = str_ if compat: s = compat_as_text(s) if is_token_list: s = str_join(s, compat=False) strp_str = _recur_strip(s) if is_token_list: strp_str = _recur_split(strp_str, str_) return strp_str
[docs]def strip_eos(str_, eos_token='<EOS>', is_token_list=False, compat=True): """Remove the EOS token and all subsequent tokens. If :attr:`is_token_list` is False, then the function assumes tokens in :attr:`str_` are separated with whitespace character. Args: str_: A `str`, or an `n`-D numpy array or (possibly nested) list of `str`. eos_token (str): The EOS token. Default is '<EOS>' as defined in :class:``.EOS is_token_list (bool): Whether each sentence in :attr:`str_` is a list of tokens. If False, each sentence in :attr:`str_` is assumed to contain tokens separated with space character. compat (bool): Whether to convert tokens into `unicode` (Python 2) or `str` (Python 3). Returns: Strings of the same structure/shape as :attr:`str_`. """ def _recur_strip(s): if is_str(s): s_tokens = s.split() if eos_token in s_tokens: return ' '.join(s_tokens[:s_tokens.index(eos_token)]) else: return s else: s_ = [_recur_strip(si) for si in s] return _maybe_list_to_array(s_, s) s = str_ if compat: s = compat_as_text(s) if is_token_list: s = str_join(s, compat=False) strp_str = _recur_strip(s) if is_token_list: strp_str = _recur_split(strp_str, str_) return strp_str
_strip_eos_ = strip_eos def strip_bos(str_, bos_token='<BOS>', is_token_list=False, compat=True): """Remove all leading BOS tokens. Note that besides :attr:`bos_token`, all leading and trailing whitespace characters are also removed. If :attr:`is_token_list` is False, then the function assumes tokens in :attr:`str_` are separated with whitespace character. Args: str_: A `str`, or an `n`-D numpy array or (possibly nested) list of `str`. bos_token (str): The BOS token. Default is '<BOS>' as defined in :class:``.BOS is_token_list (bool): Whether each sentence in :attr:`str_` is a list of tokens. If False, each sentence in :attr:`str_` is assumed to contain tokens separated with space character. compat (bool): Whether to convert tokens into `unicode` (Python 2) or `str` (Python 3). Returns: Strings of the same structure/shape as :attr:`str_`. """ def _recur_strip(s): if is_str(s): if bos_token == '': return ' '.join(s.strip().split()) else: return ' '.join(s.strip().split()).replace(bos_token + ' ', '') else: s_ = [_recur_strip(si) for si in s] return _maybe_list_to_array(s_, s) s = str_ if compat: s = compat_as_text(s) if is_token_list: s = str_join(s, compat=False) strp_str = _recur_strip(s) if is_token_list: strp_str = _recur_split(strp_str, str_) return strp_str _strip_bos_ = strip_bos
[docs]def strip_special_tokens(str_, strip_pad='<PAD>', strip_bos='<BOS>', strip_eos='<EOS>', is_token_list=False, compat=True): """Removes special tokens in strings, including: - Removes EOS and all subsequent tokens - Removes leading and and trailing PAD tokens - Removes leading BOS tokens Note that besides the special tokens, all leading and trailing whitespace characters are also removed. This is a joint function of :func:`strip_eos`, :func:`strip_pad`, and :func:`strip_bos` Args: str_: A `str`, or an `n`-D numpy array or (possibly nested) list of `str`. strip_pad (str): The PAD token to strip from the strings (i.e., remove the leading and trailing PAD tokens of the strings). Default is '<PAD>' as defined in :class:``.PAD. Set to `None` or `False` to disable the stripping. strip_bos (str): The BOS token to strip from the strings (i.e., remove the leading BOS tokens of the strings). Default is '<BOS>' as defined in :class:``.BOS. Set to `None` or `False` to disable the stripping. strip_eos (str): The EOS token to strip from the strings (i.e., remove the EOS tokens and all subsequent tokens of the strings). Default is '<EOS>' as defined in :class:``.EOS. Set to `None` or `False` to disable the stripping. is_token_list (bool): Whether each sentence in :attr:`str_` is a list of tokens. If False, each sentence in :attr:`str_` is assumed to contain tokens separated with space character. compat (bool): Whether to convert tokens into `unicode` (Python 2) or `str` (Python 3). Returns: Strings of the same shape of :attr:`str_` with special tokens stripped. """ s = str_ if compat: s = compat_as_text(s) if is_token_list: s = str_join(s, compat=False) if strip_eos is not None and strip_eos is not False: s = _strip_eos_(s, strip_eos, is_token_list=False, compat=False) if strip_pad is not None and strip_pad is not False: s = strip_token(s, strip_pad, is_token_list=False, compat=False) if strip_bos is not None and strip_bos is not False: s = _strip_bos_(s, strip_bos, is_token_list=False, compat=False) if is_token_list: s = _recur_split(s, str_) return s
[docs]def str_join(tokens, sep=' ', compat=True): """Concats :attr:`tokens` along the last dimension with intervening occurrences of :attr:`sep`. Args: tokens: An `n`-D numpy array or (possibly nested) list of `str`. sep (str): The string intervening between the tokens. compat (bool): Whether to convert tokens into `unicode` (Python 2) or `str` (Python 3). Returns: An `(n-1)`-D numpy array (or list) of `str`. """ def _recur_join(s): if len(s) == 0: return '' elif is_str(s[0]): return sep.join(s) else: s_ = [_recur_join(si) for si in s] return _maybe_list_to_array(s_, s) if compat: tokens = compat_as_text(tokens) str_ = _recur_join(tokens) return str_
[docs]def map_ids_to_strs(ids, vocab, join=True, strip_pad='<PAD>', strip_bos='<BOS>', strip_eos='<EOS>', compat=True): """Transforms `int` indexes to strings by mapping ids to tokens, concatenating tokens into sentences, and stripping special tokens, etc. Args: ids: An n-D numpy array or (possibly nested) list of `int` indexes. vocab: An instance of :class:``. join (bool): Whether to concat along the last dimension of the the tokens into a string separated with a space character. strip_pad (str): The PAD token to strip from the strings (i.e., remove the leading and trailing PAD tokens of the strings). Default is '<PAD>' as defined in :class:``.PAD. Set to `None` or `False` to disable the stripping. strip_bos (str): The BOS token to strip from the strings (i.e., remove the leading BOS tokens of the strings). Default is '<BOS>' as defined in :class:``.BOS. Set to `None` or `False` to disable the stripping. strip_eos (str): The EOS token to strip from the strings (i.e., remove the EOS tokens and all subsequent tokens of the strings). Default is '<EOS>' as defined in :class:``.EOS. Set to `None` or `False` to disable the stripping. Returns: If :attr:`join` is True, returns a `(n-1)`-D numpy array (or list) of concatenated strings. If :attr:`join` is False, returns an `n`-D numpy array (or list) of str tokens. Example: .. code-block:: python text_ids = [[1, 9, 6, 2, 0, 0], [1, 28, 7, 8, 2, 0]] text = map_ids_to_strs(text_ids, data.vocab) # text == ['a sentence', 'parsed from ids'] text = map_ids_to_strs( text_ids, data.vocab, join=False, strip_pad=None, strip_bos=None, strip_eos=None) # text == [['<BOS>', 'a', 'sentence', '<EOS>', '<PAD>', '<PAD>'], # ['<BOS>', 'parsed', 'from', 'ids', '<EOS>', '<PAD>']] """ tokens = vocab.map_ids_to_tokens_py(ids) if isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)): tokens = tokens.tolist() if compat: tokens = compat_as_text(tokens) str_ = str_join(tokens, compat=False) str_ = strip_special_tokens( str_, strip_pad=strip_pad, strip_bos=strip_bos, strip_eos=strip_eos, compat=False) if join: return str_ else: return _recur_split(str_, ids)
[docs]def ceildiv(a, b): """Divides with ceil. E.g., `5 / 2 = 2.5`, `ceildiv(5, 2) = 3`. Args: a (int): Dividend integer. b (int): Divisor integer. Returns: int: Ceil quotient. """ return -(-a // b)
[docs]def straight_through(fw_tensor, bw_tensor): """Use a tensor in forward pass while backpropagating gradient to another. Args: fw_tensor: A tensor to be used in the forward pass. bw_tensor: A tensor to which gradient is backpropagated. Must have the same shape and type with :attr:`fw_tensor`. Returns: A tensor of the same shape and value with :attr:`fw_tensor` but will direct gradient to bw_tensor. """ return tf.stop_gradient(fw_tensor) + bw_tensor - tf.stop_gradient(bw_tensor)
[docs]def truncate_seq_pair(tokens_a: Union[List[int], List[str]], tokens_b: Union[List[int], List[str]], max_length: int): r"""Truncates a sequence pair in place to the maximum length. This is a simple heuristic which will always truncate the longer sequence one token at a time. This makes more sense than truncating an equal percent of tokens from each, since if one sequence is very short then each token that's truncated likely contains more information than a longer sequence. Example: .. code-block:: python tokens_a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] tokens_b = [6, 7] truncate_seq_pair(tokens_a, tokens_b, 5) tokens_a # [1, 2, 3] tokens_b # [6, 7] Args: tokens_a: A list of tokens or token ids. tokens_b: A list of tokens or token ids. max_length: maximum sequence length. """ while True: total_length = len(tokens_a) + len(tokens_b) if total_length <= max_length: break if len(tokens_a) > len(tokens_b): tokens_a.pop() else: tokens_b.pop()